GFWC Woman's Club
of Stuart
Holiday Home Tour Committee
Chairs: Christine Mulrooney & Holly Carey
The Holiday Home Tour is our signature event. For the past 16 years, this "All Hands on Deck" activity brings our members together to put together one of Stuart's most popular holiday activities. Each year, approximately 500 people tour some of the area's most beautifully decorated homes.
With the funds we have raised, we have awarded almost $600,000 in scholarships for exemplary young women in Martin County and we support other charitable activities.
Photos from our past Holiday Home Tours
Benevolence Committee
The Benevolence Committee makes decisions regarding how to distribute the funds we raise. They are charged with identifying groups or individuals who reside in Martin County who will benefit from our assistance.
Scholarship Committee
Chair: Jennifer McTeague
The Scholarship Committee reviews college scholarship applications from our four Martin County Public High Schools and from other women seeking to further their education. Each application is carefully reviewed by each committee member to determine the applicant's qualifications. The committee finalizes the scholarship award decisions and presents the awards to each winner at their school's ceremony.
Girlfriends Committee
Chairs: Sharon Mason & Susan Tadlock
The Girlfriends Committee is a group of dynamic members who help new members get acquainted and plan fun activities and mini-fundraisers for the club. Since many of The Girlfriends are professional women they hold a lunch hour meeting once a month. They also get together each month for "Five O'Clock Somewhere", an evening of fun and friendship. All Club members are welcome to be a part of the Girlfriends Committee.
For more information regarding the Girlfriends Committee, email social@womansclubofstuart.com
Hospitality Committee
Chair: Jacqueline Brock-LaLone
Each club member is required to serve as a hostess on the Hospitality Committee for one meeting each year. Under the direction of our 2nd Vice President, members help set up and clean up for one of the delicious luncheon meals served at our monthly meetings.
If you are unable to serve on your scheduled day, please make every effort to find a replacement and contact the Hospitality Chair.
Literary Committee
Chair: Jo Baxter
The Literary Group is a book club with a difference. They choose a topic and each person chooses their own book to discuss at the following meeting. This makes for lively discussion and ideas for future reading material.
This group meets on the last Wednesday of the month unless otherwise announced in the monthly newsletter.
Scrapbook/History Committee
Chair: Paulette Holliday
This group is made up of the keepers of the club's memories. They collect current articles about our club and make a digital scrapbook of our club's activities for each presidential term.
Sunshine Committee
Chair: Polly Pharo
Our Sunshine Committee offers encouragement and support to club members who are sick, hospitalized, or generally need some cheer in their lives. They send cards to club members and their families when needed. If you know of someone who needs some sunshine, please contact info@womansclubofstuart.com